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Eyebrow threading or waxing /eyelash tinting/eyelash extentions/waxing/facial/nails/massage/body treatments/hair colour, perm keratin/ cosmetic treatment botox or filler/laser hair removal/red vein removal/ Electrolysis/ body sculpting

It is rare for skin reaction to occure with the use of tints, giues, solutions, hair dye and any other beauty products that are required from above treatments,however, picasson cut & coffee 4 lucky house AL1 3LP cannot provide assurances that any reaction would not accure. I the customer am of the full underetanding that there is risk of negetive reactions from above treatments provided to me by picasso cut & coffee. Possible reactions are includes bruising, blistering, redness, perpura, swelling, scabbing, pimples, raw skin rash, scars, any kind of pigmentation (hypopigmentation or hyperpigmentation), it is with full awareness of the above i still desire treatments and agree that picasso cut & coffee will not be help responsiboe for any of the reactions mentioned above or any other pissible reaction I may experiance from the treatment provided, I underetand that I should not expose my skin to hot tub, sauna, sun exposure or indoor tanning, bath for atleast 48 hours after reciving the treatment and agree that I have recived the correct after care information for my treatment. I confirm that I am 18years of age and If I am not I have informed the beautition and have had a parent or guardian to sign the parental consent consulation form. I undrestand that I should not recive the treatment If I am currently using any of the following products or have recently had any of the products. If I have recived any of the following, or have any known allergies, I have discussed with the therapist. We recommend that you always have a PATCH TEST prior to any treatment If you have not recived one of the above named treatments in the last 6mont. Please inform your beautition if you are allergic to any tints/ glues/ solutions or suffer from any type of skin conditions which may cause you to have any allergic reactions. Clients new to any the above treatments are adviced to do a patch test 24hour prior to the appointments, If you do not have the patch test before your treatment, the beautition or the company cannot be held responsible for any allergic reactions or sensetivity that may occur during or after any named treatment above. All treatments will be at the clients risk. By signing the blow, I agree that I have read and undersrtood the above and agree that the information provided is true to the best of my knowledge.

I am NOT currently using:*
I have NOT in the past month had a:*
I do NOT have:*
I have NOT in the past 24 hours:*